Published Works

Writings on Drucker

1)  Major work includes the 2007 thesis: ‘The Formative European Influences That Shaped The Thinking of Peter Ferdinand Drucker And How They Manifest Themselves In His Later Ideas’ (Vol I). The British Library have identified that this is the only thesis from The British Isles on Drucker deposited with them. It is a joint project they are working on with The Chartered Institute of Management centred on Drucker as ‘The Father of Modern Management’.

As an ‘Introduction’ to the series of works on Drucker includes a profile which is also available at the British Library.  Peter Drucker is put into focus effectively his life’s development is considered in two four-part journeys – geographic and intellectual.

2) ‘A View on the Evaluation and Outcome of Peter F Drucker’s Management by Objectives and Self Control’, which tracks how it evolved into Hoshin Kanri. It also includes a profile of John Humble who was the practical expert on MbO and worked with PFD on film projects. John died in April 2011

3) A case study of what students can achieve academically by using the BL’s facilities centred on Peter’s Drucker research is now available on-line at:

4) A13,000 word entry on Drucker for ‘Oxford Handbook of Management Theorists (25)’ was published in July 2013.

5) A commission by The Open University Business School to produce an interactive podcast of Business Thinkers is now available. It is in a disc form that profiles 60 business thinkers of 180 words each with Drucker as the portal. It is the third in a series to promote each Faculty of The OU to potential students.

A hard copy of the contents of the interactive is also published.

6) ‘Reclaiming Drucker’ Published in the European Business Forum. The world’s most famous management writer may have spent most of his working life in the US, but he owes many of his ideas to his European origins.

7) ‘Vikings, Whales & Coffee’ Starbuck Genealogy applying patrilineal surnames to forensics, population, history and genetic epidemiology. Research into the connection of the Starbuck’s to the Nantucket, Cape Cod, New England whaling industry. Linked to research to University of Leicester Department of Genetics, DNA research.

8) “Peter Drucker the storyteller: a Gestalt journey.” This has recently been published by Emerald Insight in its Strategic Direction journal

In this paper Peter Starbuck puts forward his own choice relating to Peter Drucker’s greatest contribution is that he makes people think and think differently. His first clue is in his book Landmarks of Tomorrow when he indentifies Gestalt as a thought process which is needed because separate parts of a pattern can only be understood when joined together in a whole. In other words when parts of a chain of related events or ideas are joined together it may result in a different collective conclusion. Or in a material world, two plus two could equal 5.